Research management to develop innovation in learning management according to the royal initiative with the meta active learning process about Yang Na and the king in schools under the provincial education office of Ratchaburi province


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ -
  • เอกชัย บุญมีพิพิธ


Research, The innovative, Yang Na and the King


The purposes of this research were to study. 1.Create innovation "Yang Na and the King" 2. Compare student achievement 3. Evaluate the student's Meta skill level. 4. Study the satisfaction of students in using the innovative "Yang Na and the King". The sample group was the Academic Service Network in 6 School of Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. The informants were grade 3 students in the sample school. The research tools were a local course, document, achievement test, active learning lesson plan, student's meta skill assessment form, student's meta skill level assessment form and questionnaire on satisfaction in using the innovation series “Yang Na and the King”

The research findings were as follows: 

  1. The innovation "Yang Na and the King" all of them are effective according to the criteria as follow: 1) The local course, Yang Na with the King has an IOC value of 1.00 and accuracy, suitability, feasibility and benefit had 100% accepted. 2) The document had E1/E2=76.82/83.18 3) The Lesson plan had accuracy, suitability, feasibility and benefit had 100% accepted. 4) The achievement test has an IOC value of 1.00 and the difficulty index easiness has between 1-.8 and the discriminant index has between .2-1.0 and KR20=0.935 5) The student satisfaction questionnaire has an IOC value of 1.00
  2. Overall student achievement was posttest higher than pretest by statistically significant at the .001 level.
  3. The student's meta skill as a whole at a high level. when classified by aspect, it was at a high level in every aspect. Sort the values from a lot to least as follows: Self-Awareness 3) Be more Empathetic 5) Improvisation 6) Problem solving 8) Resilience 2) Accepting Reality 9) Experience 12) Appreciation 10) Reflection and Decision 11) Conceptual and 7) Innovation respectively.

            4. The student satisfaction: when learning with innovative sets "Yang Na and the King” it's overall at a high level. Sort the averages from a lot to least as follows: Learning management, Student satisfaction and Quality of learning management respectively.


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