Instructional Leadership of School Administrators of Samutsakhon Provincial Education Office


  • Nathkritta tongjamnong มหาวิทยาลัยราชพฤกษ์
  • สุกัญญา สุดารารัตน์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชพฤกษ์


Instructional Leadership, Samutsakhon Provincial Education Office


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Instructional Leadership of School Administrators of Samutsakhon Provincial Education Office and 2) to compare teachers’ Instructional Leadership of School Administrators, classified by gender, education level, and work experience. The sample consisted of 254 teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a validity (IOC values) = 0.67-1.00 and a reliability value of 0.91. The data were statistically analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and LSD.

The research results were as follows:

1) the Instructional Leadership of Private School Administrators of Samutsakhon Provincial Education Office was at the highest level in overall and particular aspects, ranking from the highest to the lowest mean: Maintaining High Visibility, Supervising and Evaluating Instruction, Coordinating the Curriculum, Developing and Enforcing Academic Standards, Providing Professional Development, Protecting Instructional Time, Monitoring student progress, Providing Incentives for Learning, Communicating school Goals, Framing the school Goals, and Providing Incentives for Teachers respectively, and 2) opinions of teachers on the Instructional Leadership of Private School Administrators, classified by gender did not have a statistically significant difference. Work experience, in overall and in particular aspects, and Education level excepting Supervising and Evaluating Instruction, Monitoring student progress, and Protecting Instructional Time had a statistically significant difference at .05 level.


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