The Culture of Thai Song Dam Language Using


  • Praneet Muangnual Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


The Culture, Thai Song Dam Language Using



          This article aims to analyze approaches to inheritance of culture of Thai Song Dam language use in Ratchaburi Province as part of the research entitled “The Heritance of Thai Song Dam’s Culture and Tradition In Ratchaburi Province” which adopted mixed methods-quantitative and qualitative research design. The samples included 365 Thai Song Dam ethnics aged 18 upwards, who have resided in 6 sub-districts of Ratchaburi Province, determined using Yamane sample size formula. From each sub-district, a total of 54 informants were selected i.e., 3 community leaders, 3 folk philosophers and 3 youth leaders. Questionnaire and structured interview were employed for data collection. Data were statistically analyzed by percentage, mean standard deviation, t-test and F-test.

          The results revealed the following.

  1. 1. The inheritance of culture of Thai Song Dam language use in Ratchaburi Province was generally rated at moderate level as well as after item analysis ranging from the highest to the lowest mean as follows: 1) cultural practices “Use Thai Song Dam in daily communication” 2) cultural conservation “Singing and listening to Thai Song Dam lullaby and 3) cultural dissemination “Using Thai Song Dam for writing and reading in daily life”. Approaches to inheritance of Thai Song Dam language use were suggested in 3 aspects: 1) Cultural practice: The language is used in either family or community while Thai Song Dam and standard Thai are both used by adolescents; 2) Cultural preservation: The language is spoken in special events or festivals where Thai Song Dam people gather and participate in cultural conservation activities e.g. singing lullaby and performing dialogue song in Thai Song Dam, using such a language in Inkon Fon Khaen dancing through costume and hairdo identity with pride, however, only few elderly residents can read, speak and write Thai Song Dam and 3) Cultural dissemination: Thai Song Dam cultural activities are supported by community leaders in terms of budget allocated for establishing Thai Song Dam learning centre. Transmission of being ritual leader (Mor Sen) is agreed by folk philosopher and using social medias by young people plays important role in sharing their culture with Thai Song Dam language.

          2. Further recommendations from the informants are as follows. 1) Teachers, speakers, or local sage should be provided by public sector for the purpose of training listening, speaking, reading, writing and singing.; 2) Thai Song Dam dictionary is required for references by next generations.; 3) Designing Thai Song Dam language textbooks covering all language skills is considered to be necessary for making the language recognized by world societies.; 4) Local curriculum should include Thai Song Dam language and 5) Parents are supposed to use Thai Song Dam with their offspring to enhance daily usage.


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