Enhancing Honest Culture and Anti-Corruption to Youth under the Concept “No Cheating”


  • Kanjana Dumjutti mcu
  • Piboon Sukajatanee มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Enhancing, Honest Culture, Anti-Corruption, Youth


The objectives of this research were: 1) To study the culture, values of honesty and anti-corruption, 2) To study the promotion of culture, values of honesty and anti-corruption, and 3) To study guidelines for enhancing culture and values of honesty and anti-corruption to citizens of youth in Trang Province by Lokapaladhamma.Methodology was the mixed method; the qualitative research data were collected from 18 key informants. and The quantitative research, data were collected from 384 samples, with questionnaires and the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the study found that:

1. The culture, values of honesty and Anti-Corruption of Youth under the Concept of “Growing up Without Cheating” of youth in Trang province overall, it was at a high level. it was found that: Honesty, Sufficiency, Responsible action, and Social fairness  respectively. 2. Factors affecting fostering a culture of honesty and anti-corruption among youth Overall, it's at a high level, as follows: Family institutional factors, Educational institutions, Community and group of friends, Mass media and The lowest mean was Religious, respectively, where all 5 factors could jointly explain the variation in The culture, values of honesty and Anti-Corruption of Youth Under the Concept of “Growing Up Without Cheating” of youth in Trang province following a honesty and Anti-Corruption of Youth (Y) by 44.6.3. Guidelines for fostering youth culture and values of honesty and anti-corruption. The family institution by Parents treat the youth as a role model for living sufficiency. Educational institutions teach in activities for youth to participate to have public responsibility, sacrifice, know how to give. Friends and Community who admonishes, advises, knows, considers. The mass media promotes youth by presenting who are honest, and Religious Institute by a moral teacher monks in the community Create roles for teaching, training, and Preaching to impress the youth may use language according to youth, on important Buddhist days or special, etc.

Author Biography

Kanjana Dumjutti, mcu

19 April 1668


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