The Evaluation of Doctoral of Philosophy Curriculum in Educational Administration Program of Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University by CIPPIBEM Model


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ -
  • ถาวร เส้งเอียด
  • จรินทร์ งามแม้น
  • อลงกต คชสาร


The Evaluation of Doctoral of Philosophy Curriculum, CIPPIBEM Model


The purposes of this research were to study. 1) Evaluation the context of the curriculum  2) Evaluation the input of the curriculum 3) Evaluation the process of the curriculum 4) Evaluation the product of the curriculum 5) Evaluation the impact of the curriculum 6) Evaluation the benefit of the curriculum 7) Evaluation the efficiency of the curriculum 8) Evaluation the modern of the of doctoral of philosophy curriculum in educational administration program by CIPPIBEM model of Faculty of Education in Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. The 27 respondents were teachers, students, graduates, experts and the people involved in this curriculum. And 5 experts verified evaluation results by focus group. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It has validity between 0.80-1.0 and reliability has .784. The statistics used for analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The Evaluation of Doctoral of Philosophy Curriculum in Educational Administration Program of Faculty of Education in Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University were overall at a high level. The classification were finding that: There were at a highest level in two aspects and sort from highest to lowest value were product and efficiency and 6 aspects at the high level, respectively were sorted from highest to lowest, Benefit Evaluation, Impact, Context, Process, Modern and Input evaluation.

2. The verification and confirmation research findings by 5 experts. The overall, there were find that correct = 65.80 %, Suitability = 59.60%, Possibility=52.80, Utilization=55%


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