The Prevention of Migrant Labor Trafficking that Affects National Security in the Lower Central Region, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan provinces


  • Thongphaphum Witha มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • สัณฐาน ชยนนท์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • วิจิตรา ศรีสอน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Prevention, Labor Trafficking, Migrant Workers, Security


The objectives of this research are (1) to study the problem of migrant labor trafficking that affects national security, (2) to study the prevention of migrant labor trafficking that affects national security, and (3) to create a model for preventing trafficking in migrant workers that affect national security. It is a qualitative research, by in-depth interview with 24 key informants consisting of government sectors, private sectors and politicians.

The research results found that:

1. Migrant labor trafficking problems that affect national security are caused by economic problems. The economic situation in the country is in decline, and compensation and welfare in Thailand is better. There are also problems of poverty, of not having enough money to spend in the family, of unemployment rate, of economic disadvantage, of having a difficult life, being unable to live an equal life with others and lack of access to basic services. These problems also are Included political problems, unrest, human rights violations lack of freedom, state policy issues social and cultural issues, no security in the address and property, legal problems inconsistencies between the laws of the country of origin and the laws of Thailand.

2. Migrant labor trafficking affects political stability. Social security is a health problem, environmental issues crime problem and drug problems. Economic stability is the problem of informal employment, and the problem of unskilled labor. Political stability is racial, religious and cultural conflicts. Living together as a group creates problems for the migrant labor community. and causes minority problems of different nationalities.

3. From this research, The BOS MODEL has been found, consisting of (1) balance, (2) opportunity and (3) safety, which can be used as an administrative approach to migrant trafficking prevention, by creating balance, creating opportunities and creating safety.


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