Guidelines for High Performance Organizational Management of School Administrators Under Bangkok North Krungthon District Group


  • Daranee Sorak มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • Thada Siththada มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Administration, High Performance Organizational Management


The purpose of this research is 1) to study the management of the high-performance organization of Bangkok Institute administrators. North Bangkok Area Group 2) to present the guidelines for the administration of the high-performance organization of Bangkok School Administrators North Bangkok Area Group of samples, including 1) School Administrators and 2) Teachers within the school 2022 academic year, 304 people were obtained by finding the sample size using the sample size estimation table of Cremi and Morgan. Experts are experts who provide important information, including school administrators with evaluation results. The quality within the school is excellent and excellent. And has at least 10 years of experience and is a knowledge of car management, education, 5 people acquired by choosing specific Research tools are questionnaires. And interview type Statistics used In the analysis of quantitative data, namely frequency values, percentage values, average values, standard deviations For qualitative data, use content analysis. The results showed that 1) the level of high-performance organization management of Bangkok Institute of Education North Bangkok Found that the average and the deviation Ben, the standard of administration of the high-performance organization of the Bangkok School Administrator North Bangkok District Group Overall, the administration of the high-performance organization of the school administrators is very high. If considered on a case-by-case basis, found that The highest level is the focus on the Bulldog resource. Focusing on stakeholders The disadvantages are at a high level, including strategic planning. As for the implementation results Organization Implementation 2) Guidelines for the Management of the High Performance Organization of Bangkok School Administrators The North Bank District Group has 5 areas as follows: 1) Resource Focus, Bull Institute Executive Giving importance to personnel in the school By supporting the development and progress of personnel Create a good environment for personnel Support communication technology for personnel And praised as a role model for school personnel. 2) Strategic Planning School administrators appoint a committee Including defining roles, duties, and guidelines for cooperation of teachers, learners, guardians of the community To create a strategic plan And knowledge transfer before the strategic plan was created To get a strategic plan that achieves quality objectives in accordance with the educational standards of the school 3) The school places emphasis on the development of evaluation of results. Give personnel the opportunity to participate in determining the evaluation criteria for the results. And the results are summarized in a form that is easy to understand and clearly visual And bring the results to create value and balance the value for the stakeholders Waste 4) Organization Leadership School administrators play an important role in driving the school to succeed. Executives have appointed formal and informal consultants to determine directions. Clear and concrete values There are clear steps in making a strategic plan Use a two-way communication process And executives should adhere to morality Work ethics, both occupying people and occupying jobs, and 5) in giving priority to stakeholders. Executives value good relationships, stakeholders. Is an important basis in Promoting a good image of service and meeting the needs of stakeholders There are ways to measure the satisfaction of stakeholders with the school. School administrators provide a variety of ways to provide stakeholder opportunities. Report stakeholder problems in all areas and take timely assistance.


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