Effective internal supervision process of school administrators Under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3


  • Tanyathon Mayoon มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • Thada Siththada มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Supervision process within educational institutions, School Administrators, effectiveness


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the level of internal supervision process of school administrators effectively under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3, and 2) present the internal supervision process of school administrators effectively under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3. The sample group consisted of school administrators, Head of Academic Administration, and 280 teachers under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3, obtained using the sample size estimation table of Krejcie & Morgan. Experts, including school administrators with at least 3 years of work experience and 5 scholars with knowledge and competency in internal supervision processes, were selected purposively. The research tools included a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.978 and an interview form. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For qualitative data, content analysis was employed. The results of the research revealed that 1) the level of the internal supervision process of school administrators that was effective under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3 was found to have a mean and standard deviation at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects, including planning, supervision, supervision operations within educational institutions, assessment, and the study of the problem and the creation of media and supervision tools, were at a high level. 2) A study of the internal supervision process of school administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3 identified five aspects as follows: Supervision planning: Administrators, supervisors, and supervision recipients hold consultation meetings together on supervision planning to identify problems and needs requiring supervision, including planning supervision work procedures. Internal supervision operations in educational institutions: Supervision is implemented according to the activities specified in the supervision project within the educational institution. Educational institution administrators or supervisors must apply supervision principles, techniques, skills, media, activities, and supervision tools suitable for the context of the educational institution and personnel within it. Evaluation: Administrators involve all teachers in creating an agreement to determine the criteria for supervision assessment to establish guidelines for internal supervision and produce a clear instruction book. Supervision within the educational institution is conducted according to the established plan, with flexibility in supervision, and the results are communicated to the recipients individually. Study of the current situation: Educational institution administrators appoint working groups comprising representatives from all divisions to analyze the current state of the school, identifying strengths and weaknesses according to the appropriate context of the educational institution. Creation of media and supervision tools: Administrators hold meetings for all teachers to discuss problems and needs. Meetings are conducted to address the problems and needs of teachers in each class level, analyzing strengths and weaknesses and jointly setting guidelines and plans for supervision within educational institutions, considering OBEC policies and the context of educational institutions. Preliminary planning and layout of various tools may include the use of technology, such as conducting questionnaires among all teachers to gather feedback for analysis and appropriate format adjustment using the PDCA process to participate in supervision.


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