Using theater media and short film media to develop students in higher education


  • ราตรี จันเทวี นักวิชาการอิสระ ด้านนิเทศศาสตร์
  • ปภัสรินทร์ จิระโอฬารภัสร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น
  • พรทิพย์ เย็นจะบก มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น
  • อังคาร เพิ่มพูน มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น


Theater media, Short film media, Development


Research on Using theater media and short film media to develop students in higher education. It is one example of student development at the higher education level with theater media and short film media as a teaching innovation. The researcher started by using the activity hours of first year students at Sripatum University, Khon Kaen Campus. Let it be an hour to join and watch media for 2 stage plays and 2 short film media to experiment, study, and compare the use of theater media and short film media in developing students at the higher education level.

Effects of using theater media and short film media with first year students at Sripatum University Khon Kaen Campus. The increased score results and average score after watching the increase in both types of media make it clear that both stage media and short film media can be used to develop students very well and also shows that stage theater activities. It is a good practice of using media as an innovation in teaching Because there are increased score results. As well as having an average score after watching the theater media. The highest is number one and results of student development up to 6 topics increased.


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