The students on using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in Wat Srisamranratbumroong School (Cham Pracha-uthit), Omnoi sub-district, Krathum Baen district, Samut Sakhon province


  • พระครูสิริธรรมนิเทศ (เหรียญชัย) ไชยเชษฐ์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตสิรินธรราชวิทยาลัย
  • พระสมชัย โอดคำดี มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตสิรินธรราชวิทยาลัย
  • จักรี บางประเสริฐ มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตสิรินธรราชวิทยาลัย


Morality, The Students, Using the Media of The Teacher-Monks Teaching


The objectives of this thesis are as follows: 1) to study expectations of the students on using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in Wat Srisamranratbumroong School (Cham Pracha-uthit), Omnoi sub-district, Krathum Baen district, Samut Sakhon province  2) to compare the expectations of the students on using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in Wat Srisamranratbumroong School (Cham Pracha-uthit), Omnoi sub-district, Krathum Baen district, Samut Sakhon province, with different genders, age and class-levels, and  3) to study suggestions and solutions concerning with using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in Wat Srisamranratbumroong School (Cham Pracha-uthit), Omnoi sub-district, Krathum Baen district, Samut Sakhon province.  The research tool was a questionnaire. The samples used in the research were the 229 of the students studying in Wat Sri Samranratbumroong School sized by the tables of Krejcie´ and Morgan’ and used a simple random for collecting data. The research tool was a questionnaire tested quality and test coefficient alpha = 0.92.  The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation: ANOVA Test. If differences were found, they were tested by means of Scheffe´, and analyzed by a computer.  

The results of research were found that 1) The students expected on using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in school on a high level in the whole view of 4 aspects. Having considered each aspect, it was found that teaching, using of teaching materials, and management of teaching were on a high level. And evaluation was found that it was on moderate level. 2) The result of this hypothesis testing were found that the students with different personal factors had no difference. And 3) The expectations on using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school in the whole view of the 4 aspects. Besides, the students had suggestions and solutions concerning with using the media of the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school: 1) teaching - the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school did not follow the steps of the contents of the subject, the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school should follow the steps of the contents of the subject so that they will not confuse 2) using the teaching materials - the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school had a lack of various media to teach, therefore, the teacher-minks teaching morality in the school should provide various media related the contents that they teach before the introduction of the course 3) The management of teaching and learning – the teacher-monks teaching morality in the school had a lack of students’ activities having been divided into different groups in order to the principles of Dhamma, therefore, the teacher-monks teaching in the schools should divide the groups of the students to do the activities according to the principles of the Dhamma and then let them present to the class, and 4) the evaluation – the teacher-monks teaching morality in the schools had a lack of evaluation before teaching, so teacher-monks teaching morality in the schools should evaluate the students before actually teaching.


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