Attitudes Regarding the Influence of Korean Idols towards Thai Youth in Higher Education

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Duangjit Sukhapabsuk
Irin Charoenpakdee


          This research aimed to study attitudes regarding the influence of idols towards Thai youth in Higher Education. The samples were 100 business English students and non-English major students. By using accidental sampling, the samples were 50. The research instrument was questionnaire including general information such as sex, age, and occupation, questionnaire items, and suggestion. The findings of the study indicate that 1) attitudes regarding the influence of idols towards Thai youth in Higher Education pointed that the image of Korean artists affecting to adoration and expecting in Korean idols are at a high level and 2) a level of Korean idol's influence to a group of fan club living is at a high level. Moreover, fan clubs can accept idols’ new works and idols’ boyfriend or girlfriend.

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