A study on the Integrated reading and writing teaching method for KFL(Korean as a Foreign Language) Learners

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Changhee Kim


         The purpose of this study is to discuss the Integrated reading and writing method in Korean language education and develop an applicable ‘model of instruction for Korean language reading and writing classes’ in universities of Thailand. This study would propose ways to improve learners’ communication ability by the medium of written language through the integrated reading and writing teaching method Reading expedites the ability of writing and writing boosts the reading ability. They seem completely different but are connected since both are the acts of communication via written language and the complex thought processes that reconstitute the meaning. Also, it can also be said that they are related to each other in terms of expressing ideas through textual language.

             Reading materials become the basis of the writer’s imagination and develop into the model. Learners get used to the structure and expression of Korean language through active reading activities and rev up writing activities. Therefore, the learners have a lesser burden when asked to write with these reading materials.

Thus, the learning effect may be maximized by the reading activity based on writing. In the Integrated reading and writing teaching method, learners who read the reading materials of the goal language on the premise of writing, tend to employ more critical thinking than the learners who focused on reading solely.

The researcher assigned new appropriate writing activities to the learners on the basis of this study since the writing tasks given by the textbook were inadequate. Based on careful examination of the effects, this study proposes ‘A model of instruction for the Integrated reading and writing teaching method for KFL(Korean as a Foreign Language) Learners.

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