A Study on the Teaching Method for Online Korean Courses through Blended Learning

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Changhee Kim


This research aims to present blended learning as a way for teachers and learners to effectively proceed Korean class among the rapidly changed educational environment in the post-COVID-19 period.

 Blended learning is commonly defined as a mixture of online and offline learning, but this research approached the term more comprehensively. Namely, Blended learning is utilized in compliance with the following definition: ‘Applying right learning-related technology to adjust to an individual’s learning style at the right time and focusing on achieving the learning objective’. It is a teaching method for online Korean courses based on the mixture of prerequisite flip learning, live online classes, and mobile learning.

This class consists of three phases, which are ‘stage before the class (prerequisite learning) – stage of the class – stage after the class’. ‘Stage before the class’ is individual learning by learners watching a video that the teachers provide, and the content is composed of presentation -check -preparation for stage of the class. ‘Stage of the class’ is progressed in live online class, and is composed of check of prerequisite learning - provision of assignment- activities- presentation- conclusion and guidance.

 ‘Stage after the class’ is composed of supplement/in-depth learning.

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