A Survey of Factors Influencing Travel Behavior among Korean Tourists in Phuket during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Punchida Saenphithak


This research article aims to study the travel behavior of Korean tourists and to explore factors that have influenced Korean tourists’ making decision to travel to Phuket during the COVID-19 situation by collecting data from 100 samples.                                                                  

The result reveals that the factors influencing Korean tourists’ making decision to travel to Phuket during the situation are tourist attraction, cost of living, safety, and activities during their stay (i.e. recreation, Thai food, sightseeing). However, the COVID-19 situation has affected travel behaviors in protecting themselves from COVID-19 such as wearing masks, and using alcohol gel and thermometer rather than following the restrictions from the government. For Korean tourists, the conditions and restrictions such as the limitation of meeting people, nightclub and restaurants’ opening-closing times, and social distancing have an effect on travel and relaxation.

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