Dream house Reflection of Korean society in K-series “Full House”

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Sirivijit Pantrakul
Ubonrat Chanaroke


This article aims to study the picture of “house” in the drama “Full House” which is an important scene in this drama. The study has found that characters’ desire for happiness within their home, affects the structure of the story which pushes them to find the definition of "home" in their own context. In the drama, "home" means a safe place and an area filled with life’s happiness where the residents love each other. It leads to the creation of balance in family life. The characters love story, which makes the audience laugh and appreciate, also leads to a perception of beauty and aesthetics of life, such as learning about Korean food culture and an understanding of every human life’s nature. No matter what class they belong to, they all wish to live in a happy home.

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non-research academic article


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