Income structure of people in suburbs case study: Ketri Subdistrict, Mueang District, Satun Province

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Surapan Junsuwan
Wuttichai Inkaew
Chai Meenorngwari


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the income structure of household members in Ketri sub-district, Muang district, Satun province, and (2) to analyze the consistency between the income structure and the development plan of Ketri Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The secondary data used in this study were from “One Tambon One University Campaign” organized by Songkhla Rajabhat University in A.D. 2021-2022. 347 households were recruited as samples with 1,443 people divided into 578 people with income and 865 people without income. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze data: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. To test the hypothesis by comparing an income difference by using The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and F-test.

The results revealed that (1) household members had an average income of 93,514.87 baht per person per year. The highest income received was averagely 143,257.22 baht per person per year for those having salary, business owners, agricultural business, and others respectively. There was a significant difference of income sources at .01 significant level, and (2) the development guidelines of Ketri Subdistrict Administrative Organization are consistent with related agencies and also with its vision, goals and strategies, whereas the preparation of plans, projects, activities and budgets are not consistent with the population proportion and income structure of the population.

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How to Cite
Junsuwan, . S., Inkaew, W., & Meenorngwari, C. . (2023). Income structure of people in suburbs case study: Ketri Subdistrict, Mueang District, Satun Province. Journal of Management Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University, 2(1), 12–23. retrieved from
Research Article


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