The Mongol-Yuan in Yunnan and ProtoTai/Tai Polities during the 13th-14th Centuries

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Christian Daniels


This article examines Mongol-Yuan influence on the emergence of proto-Tai/Tai polities after c. 1260 in the upper Ayeyarwaddy (Irrawaddy) and Mekong river regions using the Yuan History, a recently discovered tomb inscription of 1461, and other Chinese and Tai sources. I make five arguments. The first is that as a successor state the Mongol-Yuan gained possession of former Dali kingdom territories in Yunnan and northern mainland Southeast Asia by restoring political power to the deposed Duan royal family. The second is that the restoration of the Duan aided the Mongol-Yuan advance into northern mainland Southeast Asia along communication routes leading from western Yunnan to the upper Ayeyarwaddy and Mekong river regions established during the Dali Kingdom period. The third is that Mäng2 Maaw2 (Moeng Mao, Chinese: Luchuan 麓川), a large political Tai confederation in the western mainland, arose c. 1335-1350s in the context of the expulsion of Mian power from the Upper Ayeyarwaddy by the Mongol-Yuan during the 1280s, and after the garrisoned Mongol-Yuan troops withdrew in 1303. The fourth is that the case of a Han Chinese man appointed to the Pacification Office in Lan Na c. 1341 attests that the Duan family aided Mongol-Yuan administration of northern mainland Southeast Asia by supplying lower level personnel to staff the yamen of Tai rulers appointed as native officials. The fifth is that, judging from the historical data, such yamen exercised limited influence as catalysts of Tai polity building. These five arguments are linked. Taken together, they demonstrate that available evidence does not substantiate Victor Lieberman’s claim that the Mongol-Yuan “encouraged the creation of Tai client states” in the upper Mekong by providing them with “new military and administrative models” through their status as native officials. My conclusion is that notions of “patronage” and “client states” are misleading because they downplay the centrality of the proto Tai/Tai as agents navigating their own way to polity building; proto Tai/Tai agency is verified by their ambitious acquisition of new skills, technologies and writing systems.

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Daniels, C. (2018). The Mongol-Yuan in Yunnan and ProtoTai/Tai Polities during the 13th-14th Centuries. The Journal of the Siam Society, 106, 201–243. retrieved from
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