Listing the Plain of Jars of Laos as World Heritage


  • Lia Genovese Independent scholar


This article traces the process to inscribe Lao PDR’s Plain of Jars as a World Heritage (WH) Property, from a Tentative Listing in 1992 to the official inscription in 2019. After discussing the criteria for proposing eleven archaeological sites from a total inventory of 100 sites, and the Advisory Bodies’ evaluation, the article will summarise future challenges inherent in a WH listing, from increased visitation to tourism-led development. Local involvement and village contracts will be essential for day-to-day maintenance, as will protection through national and international instruments to preserve a property’s outstanding universal value on which this prestigious accolade is grante

Author Biography

Lia Genovese, Independent scholar

Lia Genovese holds a Ph.D. from SOAS University of London for a Dissertation titled “The Plain of Jars of North Laos - Beyond Madeleine Colani”. Her research interests include: the Plain of Jars of Laos; French colonial archaeology; the megaliths of South and Southeast Asia; Iron Age mortuary practices; and cultural heritage and conservation. Based on recent archival research, her current projects include a critical biography of Madeleine Colani, the French archaeologist, and a book on André Malraux, the French intellectual. She is a member of the Siam Society’s Lecture Committee and serves on the Organising Committee for the 2022 IPPA Conference. Her publications are available as open access on her Academia page.


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