A Note on Letters from Jit Phoumisak to William J. Gedney, 1953-1958

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John Grima


William J. Gedney, the leading scholar of Thai linguistics in the United States in the last half of the 20th century, and Jit Phoumisak, at the time an undergraduate at Chulalongkorn University, established an unexpected and productive working relationship in the early 1950s in Bangkok. That relationship was forcibly ended at the start of 1954 when Jit was accused as a leftist and suspended from his studies at Chulalongkorn University, and when Gedney was required to return to the United States due to the loss of his visa. Their friendship and concern for each other did not end. They met one or two times over the ensuing years prior to Jit’s death, and, it turns out, they exchanged letters, six of which were among Gedney’s effects at his death in 1999. These made their way into the University of Michigan Library’s Special Collections in 2009, but they have escaped notice by scholars until recently. This brief note introduces the letters and puts them into the context of the lives of the two men at the time of their writing.

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How to Cite
Grima, J. (2022). A Note on Letters from Jit Phoumisak to William J. Gedney, 1953-1958. The Journal of the Siam Society, 110(1), 151–161. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pub_jss/article/view/256331
Research Highlights


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Gedney, William J. Indic Loanwords in Thai. PhD dissertation, Yale University, 1947.

Goscha, Christopher. Thailand and the Southeast Asian Networks of the Vietnamese Revolution, 1885-1954. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Monograph Series, No 79, Curzon, 1999.

Hartmann, John, “A Jit-Gedney Dossier of Facts”, unpublished manuscript, December 2021.

Mitrūamrop, “Chīwaprawat bāng tǭn khǭng Čhit Phūmisak” [Selected Periods from the Life of Jit Phūmisak], pp. 62-101 in Dang thīan phū thǭngthǣ kǣ khon: rūam botkhwām kīeokap Čhit Phūmisak, Puifāi, 1980/2523. มิตรร่วมรบ, “ชีวประวัติบางตอนของจิตรภูมิศักดิ์”, pp. 62-101 in ดั่งเทียนผู้ถ่องแท้แก่คน: รวมบทความเกี่ยวกับ จิตร ภูมิศักดิ์. ปุยฝ้าย, 1980/2523.

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Reynolds, Craig J. “Jit Poumisak in Thai History”, Chapter 1 in Thai Radical Discourse, The Real Face of Thai Feudalism Today, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1994 (reprint edition), pp. 10-41.

Thanon Nangsư̄, “Khui kap sāttrāčhān Winlīam Čhē Ketnī`: Āčhān farang khǭng Čhit Phūmisak” [A conversation with William J. Gedney: Jit Phumisak’s Foreign Teacher], pī thī hā chabap thī nưng dư̄an Karakadākhom, 2530, pp 17-35. ถนนหนังสือ. คุยกับศาสตราจารย์วิลเลียม เจ. เก็ดนีย์: อาจารย์ “ฝรั่ง” ของ จิตร ภูมิศักดิ์, กกฎาคม ๒๕๓๐, pp. 17-35

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