Comments on Katherine Bowie’s Study of Khruba Srivichai


  • Eiji Murashima Waseda University


Katherine Bowie argues that the conflict between Khruba Srivichai and the authorities arose in the mid-1910s over the issue of military conscription. I contend that she has isgnored a key source showing that that the conflict arose earlier over decoration of temples for a coronation ceremony. I also argue that Khruba Srivichai did not fully break away from the Sangha until the mid-1930s. Proper scrutiny of original documents is important for understnding this important historical figure.


For a fuller account of these issues, see my article "Historical Facts Concerning the Interrogation of Khruba Srivichai in Bangkok in 1920,” published in Japanese with a brief abstract in English in Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda University) 42 (Oct. 2021): 21-37; and my paper on "Historical Facts Concerning the Interrogation of Khruba Srivichai in Bangkok in 1920" presented on 12 October 2022 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University; available for download at The seminar can be viewed on the Facebook page of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Naresuan University.

Thalaengkan khana song (Sangha Bulletin, แถลงการณ์คณะสงฆ์) 8, 5 (August 1920): 174–6.

Royal Thai Government Gazette, Vol. 28, pp.1767-1773; Vol. 29, pp. 1829-1832; Vol. 30, pp. 1962-1967; Vol. 31, pp. 1828-1834; Vol. 32, p. 1870; Vol. 33, p. 2160.

Royal Thai Government Gazette, vol. 30, pp. 196-200, 24 August 1913.

Theetat Jaejai, "Kruba Apichai-Khoapi's Roles in the Propagation of Buddhism” [in Thai], Warasan Panithan 13, 2 (July-December 2017): 321-322.

Royal Thai Government Gazette Vol. 41 p. 74 , 7 September 1924.

Royal Thai Governmentl Gazette, Vol. 50 (August 1933): 1267-1270.

Srikrung Daily News, 17 May 1934, National Archives of Thailand (NAT) So. Ro .0201.10/61 pp. 20-21.

NAT So.Ro.0201.10/61 p. 44; Thalaengkan Khana Song, Vol. 23, Phakphiset Chabap 2 (20 October 1935): 34-37.

Singkha Waanasai, ed., San Prawat Khruba Srivichai nakbun haeng Lanna Thai (Biography of Khruba Srivichai, saint of Lanna Thai) (Chiang Mai:

See Murashima, “Historical Facts," 36-37.

Pensupa Sukkata, ed., Khruba Chao Srivichai (Bangkok: Samakhom Chao Lamphun, 2018).

Eiji Murashima “Background, Process and End of Khruba Srivichai's Second House Arrest in Bangkok (November 1935-May 1936): Thoroughness of the Central Sangha Elite's Repressive Disposition of the Srivichai Faction," in Japanese with English abstract, Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 45 (2022).






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