D’une version à une autre du Lilit Phra Lo

Audace et impuissance du traducteur


  • Émilie Testard INALCO


Comparative translation, Lilit Phra Lo, Metrics, Siamese literature, Poetry


This literature notice reviews two recent English translations of the poem Lilit Phra Lo, offering non-Thai readers access to this significant piece of Siamese literature. Through an examination of the translations by Robert Bickner and Chris Baker & Pasuk Phongpaichit, the comparative analysis investigates their interpretations of the plot, vocabulary, and style. While both translations effectively convey the narrative, their distinct creative choices and approaches towards the text and its audience reveal intriguing strategies and perspectives.


Baker, Chris & Pasuk Phongpaichit, trans. 2020. Kings in Love; Lilit Phra Lo & Twelve Months: Two Classic Thai Poems. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.

Bickner, Robert J., trans. 2020. The Story of King Lo: Lilit Phra Lo. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.

Cholada Ruengrunglikit. 2001. Rak Thi Tong Montra: A Modern Interpretation of Phra Lo, in the Rattanakosin Period. MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 4(1): 18‒39.

Delouche, Gilles. 1995. L’érotisme dans la littérature classique siamoise. In Notes sur la culture et la religion en péninsule indochinoise, en hommage à Pierre-Bernard Lafont, ed. by Nguyên Thê Anh & Alain Forest, 43–59. Paris: L’Harmattan.

———. 2000. Le Lilit Phra Lo et l’Âge d’or de la littérature classique siamoise. Moussons 2: 57–71.

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———. 2020. Peut-on traduire la littérature classique siamoise en français ? Journal of Liberal Arts Thammasat University 20(1): 19–39.

Seni Pramoj, MR. 1986. Interpretative Translation of Thai Poets. Bangkok: Thai Watthana Phanit.

Testard, Émilie. 2004. Méli-mélodrame du prince Maléthéthaï : adaptation et pérégrinations poétiques du Bot Lakhon Rueng Phra Maléthéthaï de Khun Suwan. PhD Dissertation. INALCO, Paris.


