Information Behavior of Older Persons for Lifelong Learning

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Ponchita Upatum
Patamaporn Yenbamrung
Rossarin Gray
Somsak Sriborisutsakul


The purpose of this research was to study the information behavior of the older persons for lifelong learning. The methodology applied in this study was qualitative research. The data was collected by in-depth interviews. The samples consisted of 48 older persons aged at least 60 years,  were selected by purposive sampling technique. 

The results of this research were as follows.  1) The information for lifelong learning needed by the older persons was health information in the form of action learning. The factors causing the information needs were the older persons themselves and their environment. 2) Most of the older persons sought for information through advice of information providers, family members and friends.  The information seeking channels were mass media, information service agencies and online information sources. Their obstacles of  information seeking were reading and listening.  3) Most of the older persons used the information to meet their own needs, such as health problems of themselves and spouses, learning, and free time activities.

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