Prediction model of potential delisted companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Attapong Peeracheir


The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate and optimize the statistical model used to predict “Potential Delisted Companies” in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, focusing on multivariate analytical approaches, Logistic Regression Analysis. The population contains 430 companies. The Dependent Variables are the “actual” Potential Delisted Companies received in early of 2016. Each company is classified into one of the two mutually exclusive groups: “Potential Delisted” (14 companies) “Non-Potential Delisted” (416 companies). The Independent Variables include 19 financial ratios, captured in 2015 (the year prior to Potential Delisted Level classifications).   

The prediction model based on Logistic Regression Analysis yields 3 independent variables: Total Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio (TLTA), Current Assets to Total Assets Ratio (CATA) and Earning before Interest and Tax to Total Assets Ratio (EBTA). The model is correctly classified the potential delisted and non-potential delisted cases 1 year in advance up to 99.53%, also correctly classified 98.60% in the next 2 years and follow by 97.21% in the next 3 years.

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How to Cite
Peeracheir, A. (2018). Prediction model of potential delisted companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 7(2), 8–22. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Attapong Peeracheir

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai 50200


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