The Factors Effecting Job Performance of University Lecturers: The Mediating effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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Supitcha Cheevapruk
Viroj Jadesadalug


The purpose of this research were to study the influence of perceived of organizational support teacher empowerment and teaching passion on job performance mediating by organizational citizenship behavior. The sample group were 200 full-time governmental university lecturers. The questionnaire was designed to be a research instrument. The research data were collected and analyzed by a Statistical Software for the Social Sciences. Data analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics and Inferential Statistics. The multiple regression and the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient were used for hypotheses testing. The mediator variable was analyzed between variables and job performance by using 4 steps of Baron and Kenny.

 The result found that teacher empowerment and teaching passion have significantly positive influenced toward organizational citizenship behavior at statistically significant of 0.1. The organizational citizenship behavior have significantly positive influenced toward job performance at statistically significant of 0.1. The organizational citizenship behavior variable is the partial mediation of perceived of organization support and job performance, teacher empowerment and teaching passion at statistically significant of 0.1.

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How to Cite
Cheevapruk, S., & Jadesadalug, V. (2018). The Factors Effecting Job Performance of University Lecturers: The Mediating effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. WMS Journal of Management, 7(2), 64–73. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Supitcha Cheevapruk

College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Viroj Jadesadalug

Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


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