Retail Patronage Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review Approach

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Sutthipong Meeyai


Marketers always search for growing in store patronage. It is important for retailers to gain better understanding of their consumers. Precise improving store attributes can affect store patronage. Modeling retail patronage will gain insight into this improvement. The aims of this review consist of: (1) to review store attributes and situational factors that impact on store patronage and (2) to review a predictive model to determine store patronage across retail formats. To establish this systematic review, the research aims and research questions are formulated; and then the mapping of the field of the study is defined. Next, the methodology shows how to select and evaluate the papers followed by the analysis and synthesis the data, and the classification of evidence is shown. The findings show different dimensions of store patronage. Consumer demographics, store attributes and different situational influences are described. Finally, modeling approaches with their criticism are presented.

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Meeyai, S. (2018). Retail Patronage Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review Approach. WMS Journal of Management, 7(2), 97–112. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Sutthipong Meeyai

School of Transportation Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology


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