City Image and Local Resident Satisfaction: The Case of Khon Kaen City

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Patcharaporn Mahasuweerachai


The objectives of this study were to test a city image model, to study the dimensions of city image that influence on an overall image of the city perceived by residents, and to examine the relationship between an overall city image and residents’ satisfaction. A total of 400 completed questionnaires were collected from residents in Khon Kaen city and analyzed using a confirmatory factor analysis and a structural modeling approach. The results showed that the city image model proposed in this study model fit data reasonably well ( =385.53, df=214 RMSEA=0.04, CFI=0.96, SRMR=0.04). The findings of hypothesis testing revealed that an overall city image was influenced by five city image dimensions including (1) infrastructure and government service (2) leisure and tourism (3) culture and tradition (4) social and environmental issues and (5) self-perception. In addition, the results showed that residents’ satisfaction at living in Khon Kaen city was impacted ty an overall city image.

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How to Cite
Mahasuweerachai, P. (2018). City Image and Local Resident Satisfaction: The Case of Khon Kaen City. WMS Journal of Management, 7(3), 65–75. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Patcharaporn Mahasuweerachai

Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Esaan Center for Business and Economic Research, Khon Kaen University


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