Awareness, Attitude, Value, and Counterfeit Product Purchasing Behavior of 6 Communities within Muak Lek Municipal Area, Muak Lek District, Saraburi Province

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Wanlee Putsom
Damrong Sattayawaksakul


This study has objectives (1) to study counterfeit product purchasing behavior, (2) to study the level of awareness, attitude, value, and counterfeit product purchasing, and (3) to compare the level of awareness, attitude, value, and counterfeit product purchase intention categorized by personal factors. The sample of this study consisted of 368 people who live in 6 communities within the Muak Lek municipal area of Saraburi province. A survey questionnaire was used cluster/area random sampling and simple random sampling for collecting data. Frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t- test, and one way ANOVA were utilized for data analysis. The findings showed most samples have purchase behavior of: like to purchase counterfeit electronic appliances; spend 1,001 – 2,000 Baht per one purchase; purchase 1 – 3 times per month; purchase 2-3 items a time; purchase from occasional market; and low price is the main reason for the counterfeit product purchasing. The level of awareness toward the counterfeit product possessed the highest mean score (3.25) and the level of value toward the counterfeit product possessed the lowest mean score (2.69). In comparing the counterfeit product purchasing behavior by reference to the personal factors of the people who live in 6 communities within the Muak Lek municipal area, the findings showed people who differed in age, personal income, and residential community did not exhibit concomitant differences in the counterfeit product purchasing behavior. However, people who differed in gender, education level, and occupation manifested associated differences at the statistically significant level of .05 in the counterfeit product purchasing behavior in term of attitude, value, and counterfeit product purchase intention.

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How to Cite
Putsom, W., & Sattayawaksakul, D. (2015). Awareness, Attitude, Value, and Counterfeit Product Purchasing Behavior of 6 Communities within Muak Lek Municipal Area, Muak Lek District, Saraburi Province. WMS Journal of Management, 4(3), 9–23. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Wanlee Putsom

Faculty of Business Administration, Asia-Pacific International University

Damrong Sattayawaksakul

Faculty of Business Administration, Asia-Pacific International University


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