Knowledge Management Capacity of High Schools in the upper South of Thailand

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Supit Ritkaew
Somnuk Aujirapongpan
Jaturon Jutidharabongse


This research aims at knowledge management capability, Factors affecting differences in the knowledge management capability, Development of the knowledge management capability and transfer of technology and knowledge from research to develop and enhance the knowledge of high school in the Upper South. Efficient and more effective. Questionnaires were used to collect data to analyze the knowledge management environment and the Focus Group with school administrators to develop a model for the development of knowledge management of the school.

The results showed that knowledge management capability of school is high level. It also found that the number of support or organize a training course in mathematics. The size of the school, only to influence the ability of learning the school administrators that results from this development. Can help the management in the knowledge management of learners more effective. The idea is to bring the results of such research to improve the implementation of knowledge management of the school as well.

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How to Cite
Ritkaew, S., Aujirapongpan, S., & Jutidharabongse, J. (2015). Knowledge Management Capacity of High Schools in the upper South of Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 4(3), 64–82. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Supit Ritkaew

School of Science, Walailak University

Somnuk Aujirapongpan

School of Management, Walailak University

Jaturon Jutidharabongse

School of Management, Walailak University


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