The Effects of Encouragement from the Board of Directors and Enterprise Risk Management on Organizational Performance

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Wanlapa Thomya
Krittapha Saenchaiyathon


This research aims to study effects of encouragement from the board of directors and of enterprise risk management on organizational performance. The samples were 265 enterprises in Thailand with stratified sampling and simple random sampling. The questionnaires were used as a tool for data collection. The collected data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling. The results showed that the encouragement from the board of directors had significant effects positively on enterprise risk management and that the enterprise risk management produced marked effects positively on organizational performance.

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How to Cite
Thomya, W., & Saenchaiyathon, K. (2016). The Effects of Encouragement from the Board of Directors and Enterprise Risk Management on Organizational Performance. WMS Journal of Management, 4(2), 19–30. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Wanlapa Thomya

Faculty of Management Science, Khon Kaen University

Krittapha Saenchaiyathon

Faculty of Management Science, Khon Kaen University


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