Coaching strategy for creating the excellence work performance

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Natrada Jaroensook
Surin Chumkaew
Ketsaraporn Suttapong


Coaching is one of the factors in the developing the organizational human resources. It is the way to enhance the staffs skill as well as to maximize their potential in order to work efficiently. Moreover, it is the crucial factor that will make the organization a success. In addition, the coach is the key to create the successful coaching. Thus, it is important for the coach to learn the staffs behaviors as well as to develop the efficient coaching process. Coaching is the important strategy to achieve the excellent work performance. This article complies the concepts and theoretical models regarding the coaching, the factors affecting the successful coaching and 360 degree coaching programs which are the leaders coaching their staffs strategies, the staff coaching their leaders or the seniors of the organization in order to adjust the different generations’ attitudes and upgrade the technology knowledge. Furthermore, the paper includes the self coaching strategy to successfully develop oneself and to create the learning organization in which the leverage will give a further significant competitive advantage.

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How to Cite
Jaroensook, N., Chumkaew, S., & Suttapong, K. (2016). Coaching strategy for creating the excellence work performance. WMS Journal of Management, 4(2), 60–66. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Natrada Jaroensook

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus

Surin Chumkaew

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus

Ketsaraporn Suttapong

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus


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