Analysis of Factors Influencing the Shortage of Truck Drivers at the Industry-Level and Firm - Level

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Pakorn Trakarnvachirahut
Sompong Sirisoponsilp
Ubolwanna Pavakanun


This research carries out attitude toward truck driver profession surveys with the objective to determine the factors influencing the shortage of truck drivers in Industry-level and Firm-level. The study divides survey samples into two groups. The first group represents the draftees (Industry-level) who represent the potential pool of future truck drivers. A sample of 150 men is solicited to express their attitude towards the truck driver profession. The second group of sample consists of 93 truck drivers (Firm-level) who are asked to share their intention to stay in the profession and in the current job. The questionnaire adopted in the survey breaks up the attitude toward truck driver profession into a number of dimensions, each consisting of several attitude items. The survey data are first analyzed to compute a number of descriptive statistics of the survey responses. The multiple regression analysis is finally employed to determine the cause-and-effect relationship that will shed the light on the key factors influencing the intention to enter, to stay in the profession and in the current job.

            Key findings of the analyses are:

            1. The draftees are found to be highly concerned about the career path opportunities in deciding whether or not to seek a career in trucking driving.

            2. The intention to stay in the career of existing truck drivers is highly influenced by the career path opportunities and job security, job characteristics, relationship with colleagues, the degree of pride in the career.

            3. The intention to stay in the current workplace is highly affected by job characteristics, relationship with customers, the degree of pride in the work, and the reputation of the workplace.

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How to Cite
Trakarnvachirahut, P., Sirisoponsilp, S., & Pavakanun, U. (2016). Analysis of Factors Influencing the Shortage of Truck Drivers at the Industry-Level and Firm - Level. WMS Journal of Management, 3(2), 11–30. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Pakorn Trakarnvachirahut

Master of Science Program in Logistics Management, Chulalongkorn University

Sompong Sirisoponsilp

Engineering Division, Chulalongkorn University

Ubolwanna Pavakanun

Psychology Division, Thammasat University


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