Farmers’ Production and Distribution Channels of Sang Yod Rice in Phattalung Province

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Wanfa Rika
Phattarawan Tantong
Somjai Nupaung


This study aims to investigate the Production and the Distribution channel for Sang Yod Rice of the local farmers in Phattalung Province. It is found that the Sang Yod rice cultivation method is Wan Nam Tom (หว่านน้ำตม). The labor force for the production is 2-3 people per sample, and tractors are used to plough. Seeds are from within the neighborhood, and rain water is used. Both chemical and organic fertilizers are used. There is no control over weeds, and pests. The rice continues to its natural course of maturation. Rice harvest machines are used in the harvesting process. The farmers have learned more specific techniques by joining the communal Sang Yod Rice group. The overview of the investment shows that the average cost per rai is 1,714.67 baht while the average income per rai is 4,731.54 baht. The average profit per rai is 3,015.87 baht, yielding the profit per capital of1.76 times. For the distribution channel of Sang Yod rice, it is found that the Farmers group sold paddy rice to rice mill in form of processed brown rice. The average price of fresh rice is about 11,160.99 baht per ton and the average price of dry rice is about 16,285.45 baht per ton. The price setter is the rice mill owner or Farmers group. The buyer transport rice by 6-wheel trucks. Rice is packed in small size sacks of 1 kg each. The clear bag has a name label in Thai on it without details. The distribution is done immediately after the production process without much stocking. The government encourages quality production and seeks for distribution channels aboard.

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How to Cite
Rika, W., Tantong, P., & Nupaung, S. (2016). Farmers’ Production and Distribution Channels of Sang Yod Rice in Phattalung Province. WMS Journal of Management, 2(1), 1–6. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Wanfa Rika

MBA Program, School of Management, Walailak University

Phattarawan Tantong

School of Management, Walailak University

Somjai Nupaung

School of Management, Walailak University


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