The Proposed Conceptual Model of the Affecting Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty

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Anuwat Songsom


This article presents the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the model of consumer’s response on CSR activities, based on a literature review, a documentary analysis, and an analytical description. The results of structural equation model show CSR activities are an exogenous variable which has direct effect to endogenous variables include corporate image, perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, brand affect and customer trust. Moreover CSR activities have an indirect effect on behavioral loyalty meanwhile attitudinal loyalty is a mediator. The developed model should be tested against empirical data for its consistency and invariance between the difference groups of consumer in each market segment. Then the business organizations can be responsive to both consumers and society expectations as well. This will lead to the development of the cohesiveness and shared values of consumers, society and business organizations.

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How to Cite
Songsom, A. (2016). The Proposed Conceptual Model of the Affecting Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty. WMS Journal of Management, 2(1), 41–54. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Anuwat Songsom

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Pattani Campus, Prince of Songkla University


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