Board Structure and Performance of Thai Listed Food and Beverage Companies

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Wiphada Phanomai
Nongnit Chancharat


The objective of this study is to find The Relationship Between The proportion of the Executive Board Structure and Performanceof Thai listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The data used in this study are from the financial statement and annual registration statement (Form 56-1) of the Thai Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in Food and Beverage Business during the year 2009 to the year 2013 totaled 25 companies.

This independent study uses the multiple regression to analyze the relationship between the corporate governance and firm performance. Independent variables in the study were board size, proportion of board independence, top 5 shareholders, managerial shareholdings and role duality. It is expected that the relationship with the company's performance is measured by economic value added (EVA) and the assessment of the performance marketing (Tobin's Q).

The results showed that the independent variables are correlated with the company's performance is measured by economic value added (EVA) significant at 0.05 were board size, proportion of board independence. The independent variables were correlated with the company's performance is measured by the assessment of the performance marketing (Tobin's Q) significant at 0.05 were board size, top 5 shareholders and role duality.

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How to Cite
Phanomai, W., & Chancharat, N. (2016). Board Structure and Performance of Thai Listed Food and Beverage Companies. WMS Journal of Management, 5(2), 44–55. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Wiphada Phanomai

144 ม.3 ต.พระลับ อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 40000

Nongnit Chancharat

คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น 123 ถนนมิตรภาพ ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 40002


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