Tourists' Psychological Factors Perception Affecting the Image of Pra That Phanom in Nakhonphanom Province

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Roogtiwa Jindasri
Linjong Pocharee


The objective of this study for test the relationship between the perception factors in Psychology of tourist on the image of Pra That Phanom, Nakhonphanom Province. The pariticipant in the study are the 400 tourists by using the questionnaire for collected data. The statistical analysis is the basic statistic such as perccentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistical hypothesis test are t-test, F-test (ANOVA) and the correlation coefficient Pearson.

            An analysis data found that the tourist's opinions about the perception factors in Psychology of tourists overall are the highest level. As considering each aspect from the 4 aspects found high level 3 aspects. The highest average sort by the opinion of perception factors in Psychology of tourists are the value, the expectation, and the damand but the interested of tourists is the high level. Besides, when considering each item from 12 item. The result of the opinion is of the highest level.

            Many tourists have opinions about the image of Pra That Phanom at the high level. As considering each aspect from all of 9 aspects found that the highest opinion is 1 aspect that is the attractive factor. Moreover, the opinion in the high level from all of 8 aspects and the average ranging from high to low are 3 first order as follows, the factor of the famous tourist attractions, the factor of rest and relax and the factor of the excitement and adventure. Besides, considering each item from 46 item the opinion is at the high level.

            From the data analysis of tourist with gender, occupation, level of education and the income per month. It was found that the tourists with age, occupation, level of education and the different income per month have the opinions about the Psychology factors in statistically significant differance level at 0.05 (p<0.05). Except the tourists with different gender have undifferent opinion about the perception factor in Psychology (p>0.05).    

            The Analysis test results of the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable found that the independent variable were percieved factors in Psychology of tourist in 4 aspects as follow the interested of tourist, the expectation, the damand and the esteem of tourists have the positive relationship with the image of Pra That Phanom in every issues at the statistically significant level 0.05. The relationship between 0.097 - 0.442.              

            The conclusion feedback from the research is that there should be a study of travel habits of tourists in the each region. Due to thailand has a large population and the population in each region have travel habits of tourists are different. And should study travelers compare each region for determine the individual factors that influence the tourists' psychological factor perception affecting the image of pra that phanom. Include the comparison between destination.

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How to Cite
Jindasri, R., & Pocharee, L. (2016). Tourists’ Psychological Factors Perception Affecting the Image of Pra That Phanom in Nakhonphanom Province. WMS Journal of Management, 5(2), 77–97. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Roogtiwa Jindasri

Master degree student of Arts, Faculty  of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University

Linjong Pocharee

Lecturer,Faculty  of Tourism and Hotel Management  Mahasarakham University


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