Organizational Learning and Dynamic Capability Influencing Organizational Performance

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Pairoj Piyawongwathana
Arunrat Chinaworn
Sophaporn Klamsakun
Khongkhuan Seesa-Ard


The primary objective of this research is to study relationship between organizational dynamic capability and Organizational performance. The goal of this study is to obtain empirical data to validate the organizational learning and dynamic capabilities paradigm. The researcher focused on the  hospital in Thailand, a sector of the service economy. Copies of a questionnaire were sent to the directors of 540 Thai hospitals, of the 238 responses. The questionnaire had been systematically evaluated in terms of content validity and reliability. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to determine causal relationships between the independent and dependent variables. Based on statistical analysis, the derived indices were confirmatory of relationships between the measurement model and the structural model According to the findings, organizational learning influencing dynamic capability and organizational performance.

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How to Cite
Piyawongwathana, P., Chinaworn, A., Klamsakun, S., & Seesa-Ard, K. (2016). Organizational Learning and Dynamic Capability Influencing Organizational Performance. WMS Journal of Management, 5(3), 22–34. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Pairoj Piyawongwathana

Faculty of Management Science, Petchaburi Rajabhat University.

Arunrat Chinaworn

Faculty of Management Science, Petchaburi Rajabhat University.

Sophaporn Klamsakun

Faculty of Management Science, Petchaburi Rajabhat University.

Khongkhuan Seesa-Ard

Faculty of Management Science, Petchaburi Rajabhat University.


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สิทธิศักดิ์พฤกษ์ปิติกุล. 2555. บริหารโรงพยาบาลสู่ความเป็นเลิศด้วย TQA. กรุงเทพฯ: ภาพพิมพ์.

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