Analytical Factors on Hybrid Port Management for Cruise Tourism

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Paithoon Monpanthong


A study was aimed at examining the factors of Hybrid Port Management in particular, reviewing secondary data from 34 literatures relevant to port management in order to analyze factors of hybrid port management. The results revealed that 33 variables of hybrid port management were found and classified into 4 factors which are 1) fundamental factor, 2) management factor, 3) tourism product and 4) port image. In addition, three indicators which are port comparativeness, port competitiveness and port attractiveness were integrated as the assessments for hybrid port management. Ultimately, the goals of the hybrid port management are social stability, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

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Monpanthong, P. (2017). Analytical Factors on Hybrid Port Management for Cruise Tourism. WMS Journal of Management, 6(3), 107–124. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Paithoon Monpanthong

Graduate School of Tourism Management, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)


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