JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ 's scope and details

Aims: to disseminate academic articles, research articles and academic works in the humanities and social sciences with an emphasis on philosophy, religion, language, wisdom and culture, including interdisciplinary issues in the humanities and social sciences

Scope: JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ is a journal of humanities and social sciences, it’s for publication of research articles, academic articles, periscope articles or book reviews about language, religion, philosophy, culture, wisdom and interdisciplinary issues in humanities and social sciences.

Publication agenda

2 issues of publication per year

1.Issue 1 (January - June)

2.Issue 2 (July - December)

Assessment form for the article

Editorial team will send the proposed articles for publication to at least 2 peer reviewers to check the quality and accuracy of the content by concealing information from both parties (Author and article reviewers) or double-blinded system.