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มุกมณี ฤกษ์งาม
Sowit Bamrungphak


                This academic   article was a presentation of Buddhist Doctrines integrated in all stages of occupation farmers. The agricultural Buddhist Is the main Buddhist integrated in all stages of occupation farmers. This can also benefit both the farmers themselves. And society Efficiency and effectiveness, both tangible and intangible. The principles applied to the Lord Buddha gave the doctrinal principles that are consistent with the development of agriculture directly. And agricultural activities as a metaphor for the link. From what can be easily seen to what can be seen. This is a good practice (Best Practices) that can be deployed to cover the mission. And in practice in the everyday life of the farmers themselves and the individuals involved. Once adopted, it was deemed as a wise career. Religious and intellectual life brought in as a precaution. Can solve the problem and Development Both occupations and lifestyles. Affect both the individual level and the community level socioeconomic country.

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How to Cite
ฤกษ์งาม ม., & Bamrungphak, S. . (2020). FARMING BY AGRO-BUDDHIST. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 256–270. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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