The cooperation of people in a village and fair work: case study village in Phutthabat Sub-District, Chondaen District, Phetchabun Province

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เด่นณรงศ์ ธรรมมา


The purposes of people’s cooperation in the village with justice division: a case study of village in Puttabath sub-district, Chon Daen district, Phetchabun province is to study the participation of community on justice division, including a guideline of the participation management on people in community for the part of justice division as well as suggest the guideline on action strategies. This study aimed to study communities’ participation in community justice division in depth as well as finding and analyzing the limitations of community justice division, including suitable support ways to solve problem and develop people’s cooperation in the way of Sub-District justice division by using participatory action research. The analyzed methods were formal interview and informal interview from relevant people who are elderly and community leader. The data were collected by focus on group discussion and community forum which observe the participation and non-participation of sampled people such as community’s preposition, knowledge sharing, and searching through documents and internet. The data were analyzed by inspection and exchange the information between researcher and people in community.

The results of the study shown that there are there factors affecting the achievement of the community in Phutthabat Sub-District which are community leader, related officer or organization, and people’s participation in solving drug problems in the community. People are aware in performing the roles, attitude and opinion about community development. Moreover, there are the focus on creativity cooperation and proficiency. In addition, there are information exchanges and people’s problem-solving skills as well as suitable systematic skills that brought to respond the needs of people in community. Soil is not only community leader’s decision that can solve community problem but people in community’s suggestions and actions are important to solving problem and development in community as well.

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How to Cite
ธรรมมา เ. (2020). The cooperation of people in a village and fair work: case study village in Phutthabat Sub-District, Chondaen District, Phetchabun Province. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 129–137. Retrieved from
Research Article


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