A Research and Development of the Integrated Administration Strategy (IAS) for Learning Reform

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Nakorn Tangkapipope
Rueangyot Waedlom
Samrit Kangpheng


The   purposes of this study were: 1) to develop a school administrative model which was based on the Integrated Administration Strategy (IAS), 2) to experiment and to study the effects of the Integrated Administration Strategy on the school's administration and 3) to modify the Integrated Administration Strategy after its implementation in schools. The samples consisted of 374 school administrators and teachers in 1 prototype school (Benchamatheputhit Phetchaburi School), 4 satellite schools and 1 non – satellite school. The experiment of the Integrated Administration Strategy was divided into 3 semesters. The first session   was the implementation of the strategy in one prototype schools. The second session was the implementation of the strategy in one prototype school four satellite schools and one non-satellite school.  The last session was the implementation of the modified version of the Integrated Administration Strategy in one prototype school. The research took 3 years (2003-2005) to collect data.  Instruments used in the study were: 1) the model of the Integrated Administration Strategy, 2) a questionnaire of practices of school administrators employing Integrated Administration Strategy and 3) a record and information form schools, students and teachers. The research data was composed of both qualitative and quantitative data which were analyzed and reported in terms of mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test. The research findings were as following: 1 Integrated Administration Strategy devised by the “Prototype” administrator incorporated the “Coordinating Committee”, which consisted of 5 sub-strategic committee heads: School-based Administration, Learning Reform, Quality Assurance, Students' Counseling, and Information Technology, to oversee and coordinate the whole administrative system.  (2) After the implementation of the Integrated Administration strategy the findings were as follows: In the first session of the implementation, there were significant differences between the school administration in the prototype school before and after implementing the Integrated Administration Strategy at the level 0.05. In the second session of the implementation, there were significant differences of school administration in the prototype school, satellite schools and non-satellite school between before and after implementing the Integrated Administration Strategy at the level 0.05. Among them the prototype school scored in the highest level and one non – satellite school scored significantly higher than one of the satellite schools at the 0.05 level. In the third session, the implementation of the modified Integrated Administration Strategy, the findings showed that the modified strategy affected Benchamatheputhit to be a school of quality and creativity measured by output of its students, teachers and the school administration and seemed to exhibit an upward trend in school growth. (3)  The modified strategy of the administrative model consisted of 5 old sub-strategies but the critical role of the 5 sub-strategies was divided into two groups. The first group had 2 main strategies: Learning Reform and Student's Counseling. The second group had 3 supportive strategies: School-based Management, Quality Assurance and Information Technology. The 3 supportive strategies enriched the educational management and promoted the 2 main strategies to accomplish the school tasks that could enhance the school to be a quality the learning institution and school.

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How to Cite
Tangkapipope, N., Waedlom, R., & Kangpheng, S. (2022). A Research and Development of the Integrated Administration Strategy (IAS) for Learning Reform. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(1), 1–16. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IEJ/article/view/263062
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