Developing an Integrated Internal Supervision Model to Promote Research Competencies in the Classroom of Teachers Saphang Wittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization

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Laddaporn Srithongsuk


Developing an integrated internal supervision model To promote research competencies in the classroom of teachers at Sapang Wittayakom School Under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization, the objectives are as follows :  1) to study basic information and the need for integrated internal supervision; To promote research competencies in teachers' classrooms Saphang Wittayakom School Under the Chaiyaphum Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization 2) To design and develop an integrated internal supervision model. To promote research competencies in teachers' classrooms Saphang Wittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization 3) to test the use of an integrated internal supervision model to promote research competencies in teachers' classrooms Saphang Wittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization 4) to assess and improve the integrated internal supervision model. To promote research competencies in teachers' classrooms Saphang Wittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization The target group used in the research was 250 people, namely teachers and students. They were classified as supervising and supervising teachers, 23 people, and 227 Mathayomsuksa 1 - 6 students. Interview form, quiz, questionnaire, observation form, and group discussion. analysis of requests The values ​​were used as percentage, mean, standard deviation, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, dependent t –test and Content Analysis. Findings were: 1) Development of an integrated internal supervision model To promote research competencies in the class The SPWS Model consists of principles focusing on systematic supervision processes and taking into account individual differences. The objective is to develop supervisory competency and conduct research in the classroom. The supervision process is 4 steps: Step 1: Classifying: C competency screening. Key skills related to classroom management and research In order to group teachers and select appropriate supervision methods for each group of teachers, Step 2 Informing: I pre-supervising knowledge Step 3: Proceeding: P Implementation were 3.1 meeting before teaching observation (Pre conference)  3.2 Teaching observation (Observation) 3.3 Post conference, Step 4 Evaluating : E Assessment of supervision by monitoring (Monitoring) continuously at every step and 2) The results of using the integrated internal supervision model to promote research competency in the classroom revealed that the supervisory teacher had a high level of the integrated internal supervision competency and had knowledge and understanding about the research. In the classroom before and after using the supervision model, the difference was not statistically significant at the .05 level. After using the supervision model, the mean scores were higher than before using the supervision model. The supervisory teachers had knowledge and understanding of integrated internal supervision before and after using the supervision model. There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. After using the supervision model, the mean scores were higher than before using the supervision model. The students' research competency in the classroom was at a very high level and their satisfaction with the integrated supervision model was at the highest level. The students had learning outcomes before and after using the internal supervision model. integration of teachers receiving supervision There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level after using the supervision model. The students had higher learning outcomes before using the supervision model.

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How to Cite
Srithongsuk, L. (2022). Developing an Integrated Internal Supervision Model to Promote Research Competencies in the Classroom of Teachers Saphang Wittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(2), 47–60. retrieved from
Research Article


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