A Buddhist Well-Being Model and Its Contribution to a Society

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Chompoonuch Changcharoen
Soontaraporn Techapalokul


This research article applies mixed methods between qualitative and quantitative
approaches. At the first stage, the qualitative approach is employed in terms of documentary
review of literature and the in-depth interview of twelve key informants. At the second stage,
the quantitative approach is applied to survey research using the questionnaires constructed
based on information from the interview and documentary research, including data analyses
and inquiry of Buddhist factors for well-being on observation, n=460 people, from 20-59
years old. Statistics used in research include percentage, arithmetic mean (X ¯), standard
deviation (S.D.), T-Test, F-Test, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, and Multiple
Regression Analysis. The findings show that the three Buddhist factors—sīla, samādhi,
paññā—can the mostly explain well-being of working age people in the Bangkok Metropol
area 56 % at the level of significance of .001 (p<.001). A Model of Buddhist Well-Being
with this Threefold Training as the Buddhist explanatory variables and the theoretical base
for the development of the human being spirituality and behaviour will contributes the greatest
benefits to the society.

Article Details

How to Cite
Changcharoen, C., & Techapalokul, S. (2019). A Buddhist Well-Being Model and Its Contribution to a Society. The Journal of International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), 12(1), 67–76. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Jiabu/article/view/201251
Research Article


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