How Does Hoang Phap Monastery Promote the Propagation of Buddhism and its Teaching Towards the Growth of Social Development in Vietnam

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Phan Tai Thuc


Located in Ho Chi Minh City, Hoang Phap Monastery has become a key contributor
to the social development of the Vietnamese people. The organization’s core mission is to
spread the Buddha’s religious teaching of unity, peace, and enlightenment and to aid the
most vulnerable in society. The Hoang Phap monastery is the very first religious foundation
to create a sanctuary to cater for its Pure Land practitioners and for the country’s young
population. In the last 20 years, it has become the ideal model for other monasteries across
Vietnam to copy.
This paper shows the many examples the Hoang Phap monastery have made to
increase the Buddhist propagation. They’ve played a vital role in circulating the philosophy
of Buddha and in doing so have encouraged people to better themselves. This essay will
study the achievement and contribution the monastery has accomplished so far, and in turn,
have influenced the social development of the Vietnamese people.

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How to Cite
Thuc, P. T. (2018). How Does Hoang Phap Monastery Promote the Propagation of Buddhism and its Teaching Towards the Growth of Social Development in Vietnam. The Journal of International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), 11(3), 226–238. retrieved from
Research Article


CBETA, vol. T02, no. 0099-012, p. 0085c10.
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