Sang Hyang Kamahāyānikan: Translation and Analytical Study

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Budi Utomo


This dissertation has three objectives, namely: 1. to examine the origin and historical
development of The Sanghyang Kamahayanikan; 2. to study the main concept of The
Sanghyang Kamahayanikan; 3. to analyze and critique the versions of the Sanghyang
Kamahayanikan. This Dissertation is documentary research. The data and observations are
limited to the Sanghyang Kamahayanikan text, translation, interpretation and explanation.
Sanghyang Kamahayanikan is an esoteric Buddhist text. Venerable Mpu Shri Sambhara
Surya Warama it about 929-947 C from East Java, the successor of Mataram Kingdom,
which was shifted to there. The oldest literature was found at Lombok Island in 1900 CE.
Professor Yunboll discussed it in 1908 and it was translated into the Dutch language by
J. deKatt in 1910. Later, Professor Wuff inspected it.
The text is restricted for the teachings in the Mahayana school, with a focus on the
tantric path of the Yogacara School using Mantranaya or the Mantra method. The text has
been divided into two parts, each of which can be read independently. The first section
entitled Sang Hyang Kamahayanan Mantranaya consists of 42 Sanskrit verses, each with
a related commentary in elaborate old Javanese and regrouped under 11 subtopics and a
conclusion. The second section consists of instructions in 86 verses, written mainly in
old Javanese, with a few middle-level Sanskrit references. Both texts belong to the same
school and are connected. The text is in a question and answer form.

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How to Cite
Utomo, B. (2018). Sang Hyang Kamahāyānikan: Translation and Analytical Study. The Journal of International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), 11(3), 253–267. retrieved from
Research Article


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