A Comparative Study between Quantum Mechanics and Yogācāra Buddhism on Properties of Material Objects

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Ven. Hui Chen


With the development of quantum mechanics, the knowledge of properties of
material objects have been greatly changed, quite different from what people have taken for
granted as well as that in classical physics. Since Yogācāra is considered to be one of
most compatible Buddhist theories with modern science, in order to see exactly how close
Yogācāra is to quantum mechanics, this article aims at comparing quantum mechanics and
Yogācāra on properties of material objects from three aspects, the source of material objects,
their substantiality, and the interference from the mind. By doing this, a conclusion is made
that the two have the same opinions at a general level but different, to certain extents, from each
other at a specific level.

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How to Cite
Chen, V. H. (2018). A Comparative Study between Quantum Mechanics and Yogācāra Buddhism on Properties of Material Objects. The Journal of International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), 11(2). retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Jiabu/article/view/220119


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