The Life of Recluseship and Right Livelihood

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Venerable Sandarwara


The aim of this research paper is to explore the life of recluseship and delineate
the notion of right livelihood from Buddhist perspectives. According to the Theravāda
Buddhism, Magadha was considered as the center of religious life and speculation. Needless
to say, Magadha was less favored by Orthodox Brahmins rather than North West of India.
Those who directly opposed to the Brahmins and their way of life came to be referred by
the general term Paribbājaka, which means wandering recluses. However, the recluses have
to be faced with the task of sustaining of bodies in order to last long precious human lives
and to practice the Dhamma. In this regard, a question might be occurred on the notion of
right livelihood for the life of recluseship. The Buddha provides a clear instruction on the
right livelihood for the Saṅgha Order in the context of ancient Indian society. Henceforth,
the researcher would like to explore the meaning of recluseship, right-livelihood, and how
to practice moral discipline regarding to livelihood as a recluse or a monk.

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