A Critical Theory-Praxis for Contemplative Studies


Zachary David Walsh


Faith has an important role in early Theravāda Buddhism. The Theravāda Pali
Canon lists faith as one of seven treasures (dhāna), one of five spiritual faculties (indriyas),
and one of the spiritual powers (balas). There are also other lists of virtues in which faith
is included; faith is described as an important quality in some stream-enterers, a state
preceding enlightenment. In standard descriptions of people going forth (taking ordination
as a monk), faith is usually mentioned as an important motivation. Faith in the sense of a
trustful confidence – a quality more of the heart than a cognitive belief – has an important
role in Buddhism, albeit generally not as central as in some religions. Faith both leads to
calm and encourages one to seek to attain the stages of spiritual perfection. This paper
aims to search for current problems on Faith to the Saṅgha Community, to analyze their
cause and effects.




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