Amulets and Thai Culture: Adaptation in Contexts of Contemporary Society

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Udom Chantima
Pichayanand Pongpaibool


This article aims to study the role of amulets in Thai culture and their adaptation within context of contemporary society, focusing on the economic, social, and spiritual impacts of amulet usage in daily life. The study explores the changes in amulet worship, the use of digital technology to disseminate knowledge about amulets, and the beliefs related to possessing amulets as spiritual dependence. The article is divided into six main topics: (1) The role of amulets in modern Thai society, (2) Amulets and changes in the economy and society, (3) Amulets and spiritual beliefs in the digital age, (4) Critique of amulets regarding deviations from Buddhist principles, (5) Amulets and the enhancement of Thai cultural identity, and (6) Suggestions for preserving the spiritual values and meanings of amulets. The findings indicate that amulets are not only religious tools but also play a crucial role in creating identity and connecting with Thai culture in the present age. This study provides an overview of amulets in the context of Thai society and highlights their significance in enhancing spiritual confidence and linking with existing cultural elements in contemporary society.

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How to Cite
Chantima, U., & Pongpaibool, P. (2024). Amulets and Thai Culture: Adaptation in Contexts of Contemporary Society. Journal of Thai Language and Thai Culture, 10(2), 17–39. retrieved from
Research Articles



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