Tan Kuay Salak : Buddhist Culture in Nan Province
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The Tan Kuai Salak, or Salak Bhat offering, is a Buddhist tradition in Northern Thailand. In this practice, donors prepared offerings in “Kuai,” or baskets, and presented them to monks through a lot-drawing system. This tradition was permitted by the Lord Buddha during his time, was inspired by Nang Kali Yakshini, a significant figure in Buddhist history. Buddhists in Nan Province observed Tan Kuai Salak annually, typically in late September to October. They believed that the Tan Kuai Salak would bring great merit, comparable to Sanghadana or offering dedicated to Buddhist monks, as it was made without a specific recipient. Notable temples associated with this tradition in Nan Province include Wat Phra That Chang Kham Worawihan and Wat Phra That Chae Haeng Royal Monastery.
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